Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Travis was murdered!

• Anybody catch the Obama speech last night? Thoughts? The man can deliver a speech – that is pretty obvious. And he can bring Nancy Pelosi out of her seat like a bunch of hippies at a Grateful Dead concert. I was concerned that Michelle Obama brought a surrogate first daughter to the event. That wasn't Sasha.

• Can Pilot Chester Sullivanberger or whatever his name is get back to flying planes. Obviously we've had several major, fatal crashes since the the Flight 1549 miracle because Sully is singing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl, presiding over midnight revivals of "Airplane" at the Bogcocio Theater and kissing babies at high school pep rallies. Captain Sully, you're needed at the white courtesy phone. No, the white one.

• If you don't want a youth prison in Brighton, stop yelling at the city council. Talk to the parents of these kids who keep getting in trouble.

• Sit down Nancy, that was nothing to clap about.

• The coyotes in Denver are getting a bad rap. Coyotes don't kill people, people kill people.

• I'm still reeling from the shocking shooting death of Travis the Chimpanzee last week. The cops say they mistook the banana in his hand for a gun but I'm not buying it. There is a cover-up. The purported attack that preceded the shooting has been mischaracterized. It was the result of a love triangle that went bad. And the cop who shot Travis was the husband of one of the victims.

• Let this be a reminder hot monkey love is good at the time but it always, always end badly.

• I hope Capt. Chestyburger can speak at Travis' funeral.

• Did anybody watch the Oscars. Didn't think so. Slumdog Millionaire – the story of federally-bailed out bank executives – won best picture. And the chick from Titanic won best actress. Not the old lady.

Kevin out. Big ups to B-town.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hello dumplings,
It's been so long since we've talked. I've spent this time in deep thought. This is a big year for me, I'm approaching 30. I've recently come across several new or soon-to-be 30-year-olds who are actually doing something with their lives. For example, Karen Crawford at the Brighton Chamber of Commerce is going to run a 3,000-mile marathon in honor of her 30th. Gene Sears thinks he commemorated his 30th by getting drunk - less innovative, but still a worthy effort. I've pondered a career change (solar panel salesguy or Illinois Sen. or Brighton Fire Chief (That's a joke, Chief Bodane, it really is). I'm also giving some consideration to writing a book. Such an endeavor would occupy some of my free time (because a toddler, an infant and the news hole of a small-town community are a real snooze-fest. A book would also give my mom something to do – running to every Barnes and Noble in Colorado and buying up their stock. In this vain way, I would get money from my parents without asking. I'm running into one hurdle with this book idea - I have no ideas and I lead the most boring life in the whole world. I've thought about putting together a collection of my newspaper columns (I've had that suggested to me once), I've thought about fiction (a story about aliens attacking Brighton - just kidding) and I've thought about non-fiction - perhaps a coming of age tale about some 30-year-old newspaper reporter lost and wondering about the direction of his life. I need your help. Give me some ideas. I will not attach any promises of food to this blog. We've ran into some problems on previous blogs with people trying to collect.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A headline from CNN reads" Obama urges Americans to follow Lincoln's example."
I would almost concur but, you know what, I'm not that big a fan of the theater."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Shut your pie hole!!!

Hey, Papa John, why don't' you mind your own damn business. Keep the pizza coming. I'll decide how much I eat. The audacity!

LONDON, England (CNN) -- The founder of one of America's largest pizza chains has offered unexpected advice to his customers to limit themselves to only one or two slices.
Pizza is not normally known for its health benefits; thick, cheesy toppings push up the calorie count.

Pizza is not normally known for its health benefits; thick, cheesy toppings push up the calorie count.

During an interview on BBC's Radio Four program in the United Kingdom, John Schnatter, said, "you can't eat five or six slices."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stragglers will catch up on DTV switch

Update: Upon further review, Congress has decided to delay the DTV switch until June. C'mon over, Koebrich, but bring your damn wings!

If the U.S. House of Representatives does nothing for the next year – even if they do nothing for the next 20 years – they did the right thing last week by choosing not to delay the long-planned Feb. 17 nationwide switch from analog to digital television.
I say that if only for the sake of the many Denver families who have been victims of unwanted home invasions by Denver television news personalities over the past several months. Local news stations have made it their personal responsibility to inform and prepare us for this switch.
Common citizens,
particularly our elderly, have been the most susceptible, momentarily blinded by the bright glare of television cameras and then frightened by the undead look of television anchors caked in more makeup than one Tammy Faye Bakker (God rest her soul). By the time they come to their senses, an individual who, up until this point, was just a figment of their television is rummaging through their refrigerator, barking, “Where the hell are those leftover chicken wings, Ethel?” The television anchor then plops down on the couple’s wretched plaid-striped couch and demands Howard “turn off this ‘American Idol’ crap” and turn on the game because “I’ve got money on this one.”
The result is an awkward promotional spot where the gleeful television personality, almost unintelligible because his mouth is still half full of food, wipes away coffee cake crumbs from his face and encourages citizens to be ready for the big switch to digital television.
Ethel, who has been gradually scooting toward the end of couch, suddenly makes a break for it. A cattle prod comes into the shot and Ethel falls to the ground, convulses for several seconds before the disheveled woman gingerly climbs back on to the couch.
Consumer groups have pushed to delay the transition date to June 12 because of worries that 20 million mostly poor, elderly and rural households are not ready for the congressionally mandated switch. They also argued that not having a working television would put them in danger of missing something important. I think that argument lost relevance when Fox aired “Pimp My Midget.”
Sometimes we have to press on and hope people catch up. This is called progress. It’s why we don’t use rotary-dial phones anymore or stop at crosswalks. Regardless of government coupons or even government cheese, there will be some people not prepared for this switch, either by inability, design, ignorance or because they don’t watch television anyway. We don’t have to worry about the latter group. They should worry about us.
The others will be more recognizable. They will be the ones in their front yard, beating their television with a wooden bat because “it don’t work no more.” Those people can be directed to a necessary converter box, a liquidation sale at Circuit City and then toward Rockies spring training.
Even as I write this, there is a possibility that lawmakers could still reach some sort of compromise to delay the television switch. For all the television anchors waiting outside our doors with empty stomachs and an angry bookie, I hope they don’t.

Monday, February 2, 2009

You be the parent

"But Dad, Michael Phelps smokes pot and he won eight gold medals."

What a game

It's not often the Super Bowl lives up to the hype but last night was a terrific game. A few additional thoughts.

* You know it's hard to get tickets to Super Bowl when you have to land your commercial airliner in the Hudson River so you can go to Tampa?

* I think it's pretty indicative of our economoy that three of the guys doing the pregame show are unemployed.

* First, Obama beats John McCain (R-Arizona), then he roots against the Cardinals. What does that man have against Arizona?

* Did Bruce Springsteen actually tell me to step away from the guacomole dip. Once you lay off the donuts, bub.

* Congratulations to Cardinals coach Ken Whisenhut - the 42nd white football coach to lose a Super Bowl.