Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hanging with the kids at the 7-11

If you drive by the Brighton 7-11 around the noon hour on any given weekday, you'll see a long line of high-school age kids waiting to get in. I wasn't sure what this was all about, in fact I stood there in line quite a while before the cashier said I could come in. Don't feel bad, it like waiting in line for tickets to IronMetal DeathJam Megastravanganza 6. Like I'm not already so going! Actually these kids are local high schoolers, cast-offs after Taco Bell decided it didn't want the front entrance of its restaurant looking like a giant game of Red Rover. The kids must wait outside of 7-11 for the chance to enter (two at a time). I can only presume this is so employees can monitor what is being stolen (two at a time). OK, kids, don't egg my house and call me names, why else would they do it? And I don't want parents mad at me either, this is just a simple observation. I will say the kids seem pleasant enough for wasting their lunch break in a line to buy crap they don't need (7-11, you can shut up too because I'm a proud customer). I did have the odd sensation of being a strike breaker when I walked over the seeming picket line to enter the store but there turned out to be no heckling or chants of "You'll never get a stale crueler in this town again." I will offer one piece of advice to the young boy licking the slurpee dispenser to sample the different flavors. I appreciate you yielding to a 28-year-old needing a Slurpee fix while you agonized over your decision but, eww, that's gross.