Thursday, June 12, 2008

The best of No Means Know

Loyal blog readers (all two of you) – June 7, 2007

I looked down today and saw I had surpassed 1,200 hits on my blog visit counter. This is a milestone. Let me just give you some quick math to help you understand what it means. It means: that subtract about 600 hits for me checking to see how many hits I have and to check if I've gotten Camden Farmer's attention yet, 300 hits from wife checking to make sure I'm not putting some erroneous information about her up there, 100 hits from my Mom who is probably grossed out by the barf photo and wondering how two normal people could raise somebody so warped (Hi, Mom), 50 hits from Smith who just can't wait to see what I say next or maybe he can. And 50 hits from my two respective bosses – reaffirming that maybe this blog thing wasn't such a good idea.
Those are the obligatories.
That leaves about 100 people who have ventured to my blog out of the goodness of their heart. They include one so-called MilkyMommi who I made laugh about the dangers of prescription medication commercials – I'm glad, a certain fire chief who tried to recruit me to Fort Lupton and at least one person, yesterday, who believes I'm a conspiracy theorist because I believe all the details about Union Pacific aren't out there. Wait, till I blog about the phony moon landing.
And to the rest of you, stick around, it's only going to get better. I mean, it has to ... right?