Monday, April 13, 2009

Pirates with pizzaz

More than 20 million people, based on the number of people who loved those Johnny Depp movies, tuned in yesterday to see the shocking but heartwarming conclusion to the television miniseries "Captain Phillips and the Wiley Pirates of Somalia." With the monotony of seeing "The 10 Commandents" every Saturday night before Easter, this show offered a new, exciting drama for our growing, non-secular society. Would Capt. Phillips try to jump out of the boat again, would his woe-begotten crew continue their voyage to Africa and what would the Obama family name their dog? Everybody got their answers in a stunning turn of developments delivered across all cable news outlets. Bo, the President's new Portugese water dog, was air-dropped on to the listless life boat where he fought off the pirates in a riveting scene of hand-to-hand combat rivaled only by Jackie Chan in his prime. When they do this again year, I would only offer a few suggestions. More pirate-speak. How awesome would it have been to hear one of the pirates say "Shiver me timbers, we will not let yer capt'n go" or "Walk thee plank, Phillips, yur landlubber." I'd like to see Bubba from Forrest Gump (Mykelti Williamson) cast in the role of the lead pirate and, if his hand has recovered, Morgan Freeman, as the griseled old pirate tasked with trying to provide a peaceful resolution. Well done, good show, can't wait till next Easter.