Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Here we go

Didn't even have to know what time of year it is right now, just a scan of a Denver daily headline titled "Quest for Columbine secrets" let me know it is springtime and April 20 will be upon soon. My first reaction beyond that, "secrets?" What secrets could possibly be out there after the way this story has been drilled into our brains month after month after month. I think I mentioned in a previous blog or column about how I am numb to this story – frustrating when I remember the pain and helplessness I felt when it first happened. Columbine is a tragedy, it will always be a tragedy and to most here, not even a decade has made it any less fresh. But there have been other school shootings since – notably the Virginia Tech shooting which had a much higher death total than Columbine and the Illinois University shooting too. What I don't like seeing now is a seeming pissing contest by the Denver media to argue why Columbine is still important even though we can no longer call it the "deadliest school shooting in U.S. History." We've built the Columbine Memorial and don't get me up on my soapbox about what self-aggrandizing project that was. Hopefully, with the 10-year anniversary next year, this will become an event remembered most prominently on the major years 15, 20, 25, 30 and not be dragged through the mud every year!