Monday, August 11, 2008

On hold

For nearly a decade, this week has been the week where I tap into my inner-geek and get my copy of Madden football for whatever video game console I have at the time. I'm sad to announce that it is on hold this year. No, I will not be outside Flatiron Crossings Mall tonight at 12 a.m. waiting to get my copy. This is because my wife and I continue secret contract negotiations on purchasing a new video game system that rhymes with pee. We hope these negotiations will be complete by Christmas time. In the meantime, my heart is with you, Madden. We'll get through this difficult time together ... alone.
P.S. Thanks for voting on the poll. That will be this week's column. Even though your lukewarm and apparently divided reception to it makes me think it's time to crank it up again.