Tuesday, October 14, 2008

You're not approved

It's time to get rid of candidates tagging on to the end of their political advertisements "I'm such and such and I approved this message." The point of requiring that was to make candidates more responsible for their words. It has failed. Candidates have found a way around it and now it's just a funny office catchphrase like when I get a soda out of the pop machine and say, "I'm Kevin Denke and I approved this Mountain Dew." I will say my favorite is the Markey/Musgrave mudslinging. Cue Marylin Musgrave tortuing a second grader in a Greeley back alley and then cut to Betsy Markey happily filling out postcards in her office. What is it about Musgrave that brings out the worst in all of us? Are you listening, Angie Paccione?