Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This is no way to die

First off, I love the Rocky Mountain News. Grew up reading, still read it. The dream of one day writing for the Rocky Mountain News stoked my fire in journalism. Naturally, I was concerned when I learned of its imminent closure. But steadily my sadness has turned to disgust. First, Rocky staffers launched a blog to share their love of the paper. The stories are bit melancholy and read more like a daily obituary for the paper. But I've visited a couple times and it's nice to read about how much passion journalists have for not only their jobs but also the paper. Now, comes word today, that staffers have organized a candlelight vigil for the paper. Clearly, the Rocky staffers have been far too influenced by many of the aftermaths of tragic stories they've needed to cover but this is no way to go. The Rocky should go out fighting, producing the best possible paper they can to serve as a historical testament to the importance of this paper.
This is not how I want to remember my favorite paper with bake sales, benefit car washes and Haiku poems.
I tell the Rocky, "Do not go gentle into that good night," as poet Dylan Thomas once wrote. "Rage, rage."