Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Open your eyes, son

Three blog posts in one day? I know I can't believe it myself but I couldn't end today without mentioning that the three men from the Duke University lacrosse team have been exonerated of any wrongdoing in sexual assault allegations from a year ago. Good. I think we, at least around Brighton, know the impact of false rape allegations.
But, arrgggh, a couple things from today.
The three men said they owe their lives to their lawyers – yuck, yuck, yuck. Don't stroke their egos. Give them their checks and get away. We don't need any more lawyers taking up martyrdom.
Second, one of the men, Reade Seligmann, says he has been enlightened.
"This whole experience has opened my eyes to a world of injustice that I never knew existed," Seligmann said.
Are you serious? I mean, granted you went to Duke, played on the lacrosse team and it's probably been a rough row with that pesky silver spoon but did you just say that?
How about the African American slaves, how about the American Indians, how about women who actually are raped and dragged through the media and have their own horror trashed into a sea of doubt and speculation?
Hey, kid, tough break but welcome to the world. Things aren't always fair but you aren't exactly a Sudanese refugee over there.