Thursday, November 29, 2007


On the mend after one of my famous 24-hour flu bugs and ready to blog with you again. Except, no great topics are springing to mind today. That usually means I'm going to end up in a 300-word rant about public restrooms. Alas, I will spare you such a grizzly rant about toilets and direct you to Staff writer Adam Goldstein does a really good job of analyzing issues at the city government level and, besides that, there was a bird at City Council the other night!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

And they call this news?

Sick of November sweeps yet? Not me. I could sit through a million very special reports from our local TV newscasters. The one I haven't seen yet? A paraplegic, former Olympian, Iraqi War veteran, widower raising three kids who were mistreated by a dentist while their dog was mistakenly euthanized by a former priest defrocked for spreading genital herpes to a Macaw named Timbo who was rescued from a Brazilian rain forest before evil Mogadishuian warlords slashed and burned it to make way for Brangelina's new home. Now, that's a special feature, baby!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Honest Abe

This isn't Baywatch kids

I've always had a problem with swimming pool lifeguards or as I like to think of them, over-zealous snots out to ruin any perceived good time. So, I wasn't surprised when I was able to weave another lifeguard tale into my tapestry of annoyance last week. We took our daughter swimming at a rec center pool I won't name (Margaret W. Carpenter Recreation Center, 11151 Colorado Boulevard Thornton, CO 80233) and I was preparing to take my daughter up the slide to go down with me (something I've done numerous times at the Brighton pool without some pimple-faced brat lifeguard blowing their top. But, as I reached the top of the slide, I was ordered down. I could not take my daughter on the slide because she wasn't eight. That was the official reason – the real reason was I was the victim of the power trip of a 16-year-old (mad at his Dad for not letting him borrow the car). I never seen a pool lifeguard actually save someone – I've read about it but do you believe everything you read in the papers? I have, however, seen more than a few lifeguards in my day quash games of Marco Polo, successfully limit running near the pool and any other "horseplay." The funny part? As you might know, we recently returned from Hawaii and I have to say I felt more at ease with my daughter in the ocean than I did at that rec center pool with an army of pubescent punks enforcing heinous rules. I guess I feel insulted because I'm going to look out for my daughter more than anyone especially when it comes to water. I was amused when I was leaving the pool to see they would be conducting periodic alert drills where they placed a mannequin in the pool and tested lifeguard response times. I'm guessing that mannequin got wrinkles waiting for somebody to come get him, but I bet he didn't make it down the slide.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A bountyhood of thankfulness

As Thanksgiving approaches, a chance to get fat and watch football or, as I call it, Sunday, I'm reminded of all the things I have to be thankful for this year.
First the serious props:
• My family, my amazing wife and my precocious daughter who loves the word no.
• My co-workers. I think I've said it before but it takes a lot more than just the job to keep you in one place for half a decade – these people are like family, one weird, sometimes over-sensitive family.
• My parents, my wife's parents: you all just do so much for us.
And the rest
• I'm thankful to the Colorado Rockies for making October so amazing. Sorry you got bludgeoned by the Red Sox and screwed out of post-season awards.
• I'm thankful for my fantasy hockey team (5-2 and tied for first place.) There are few things I look more forward to especially since I'm winning.
• I'm thankful for the now two fire chiefs who are regular visitors to my blog. I'm moved that people entrusted with our public safety come here to watch me launch a pseudo-strike against management or whine about cheese (future post).
• I'm thankful for O.J. Simpson. That guy has a screw loose and it makes me feel normal.
• I'm thankful for the defiance of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto. Who, by the way, is not the sworn enemy of Popeye (Thanks, Steve Smith).
• I'm thankful that the courts decided Britney Spears wasn't suited for taking care of her own kids. Now, if they'd decide the same about K-Fed and hand the kids over to Brangelina.
• I'm thankful for YouTube – geez, the time I waste on there.
I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. See you back here next week.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Here come the juice

The long strike is over and none of my demands have been met but I can't sit silently by and not riff on O.J. – especially after this gem yesterday.
"If I have any disappointment, it's that I wish a jury was here. As always, I rely on the jury system."
O.J. SIMPSON after a justice of the peace refused to dismiss any charges in a 12-count complaint against him and two co-defendants resulting from a Sept. 13 confrontation in a casino hotel room.
Actually, juice, you wish the plans to reincarnate Johhny Cochran were moving along a little faster because it isn't looking good for you.
Ahhh, it's good to be back!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Strike continues

Update: My boss met briefly with me to address my concerns and invited me to review the company financial numbers to see the money generated by my blog. I could be wrong but her willingness to cede that information doesn't seem to bode well for my strike. On the positive side, Jay Leno did stop by my picket line today with doughnuts and wanting to know if I heard any good jokes. I provided him this:
A. Why do you go to bed? Q. Because the bed won't come to you.
He quickly left with the doughnuts.

The strike continues. So far, little response.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Good News

Hey, good news, I'm now part of the technorati universe where the elite get their blogs found, check out my profile at Technorati Profile

To the picket line

Though it has been a tough decision, I have decided to join my Hollywood brethren on the picket lines. My decision comes for many of the same reasons as the WGA. Though my blog is a massive money generator for MetroWest Newspaers (more than two cents in Google ad revenue in less than a year and I did purposely spell newspapers wrong to illustrate my intrinsic value), I have not seen any of these profits. The powers-that-be use this revenue to wine and dine on items such as restroom toilet paper, coffee creamer and the paper we print our newspaper on. I deserve a share of this revenue and, thus, I strike!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Back in my shell

Good afternoon, blogettes. I hope everyone's Monday is going according to plan. Still sifting through hate mail for mocking peanut-allergists. Yes, people are a little nutty. Just kidding, people as always, have been completely supportive of my inability to take on anything serious. They have however questioned that Mr. Peanut's name is actually Peety. If you didn't get a chance to read my tongue-in-cheek column in last week's Blade, well, then you should!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

You're a good city, Brighton, Colo.

Dear city of Brighton and baseball stadium supporters,
Pick your chin up off the ground, it's going to be OK. I know you wanted a baseball stadium really bad and you feel like the kid on Christmas morning without that coveted toy. But as my mom used to say, at least I think she used to say, just because you wanted it doesn't mean you really need it.
I know there is peer pressure. Commerce City has a soccer stadium and they want a minor league baseball stadium. Aurora toyed with minor league baseball. Fort Collins wants a team. The new Thornton mayor apparently wants a stadium.
But, Brighton, to use another Mom analogy, "if Commerce City jumped off the bridge, would you jump too?"
Isn't there a little something to be said for uniqueness. After all, Brighton is getting those cookie-cutter big box stores like everywhere else and, mind you, without too much of a fight from this community. We've got a big movie theater and a steadily growing number of chain restaurants. We're going to have a Performing Arts Center in the near future.
So, naturally, the idea of plopping a baseball stadium in the heart of downtown makes perfect sense along with a giant Christmas tree overlooking a beautiful ice skating rink. Right?
So maybe now, is a good time to take stock of what we are as a community. And let's do it while voters are basking in the glow of fighting off another tax. And you're kidding yourself if you think this was solely about some "obscure, election laws" that nobody, according to the mayor, cares about it. The fighting bell rang a long time ago and voters are going to put up their dukes to a new tax any chance they get. These people turned down a new high school once, a high school, I tell you!
But, honestly, what is Brighton? Are we going to be unique community or are we going to be a dumping ground for the best of what every community has to offer?
Maybe we can be a great home even without a home plate.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Live election blog

A recap of the night thus far. No surprises in the Council races, the stadium appears to be in trouble as I long anticipated it would be. The unfortunate part of that is blame will be directed to the Brighton Blade for its exposure of some shoddy campaign practices and city officials will overlook an over-taxed citzenship giving a collective "No." Thanks for spending this time with me.

How does Troy Tulowitski not get a Gold Glove? Are you kidding me. I hate Joe Torre!

We're getting close to the 10 p.m. hour and wrapping this baby up. I hope what the evening has lacked in election results has been made up for with inane facts. I did promise a revelation of Miley Cyrus' favorite ice cream – a promise I can't deliver. Sue me, Dairy Queen.

Following the huge lightning bolt, I feel compelled to apologize to the clerk and recorders of the world. I didn't mean it.

OK, seriously, what does the clerk and recorder do the other 364 days of the year? All year to prepare. Can't we just have some prompt results?

It's been a long night but not long enough for Giada De Laurentiis to have delivered her baby. You think they'll call the kid Alfredo?

Tiffany Hegstrom is getting crushed in the Fort Lupton City Council race. Nobody bought her inexperience is my best quality ploy. It's just hard to convey that on a sign. "Vote me. It's better than ... you." It appears Shannon Crespin will remain Fort Lupton mayor. Now, watch that power go to her head.

Hang on, the servers crashing. I'll call the Rockies!

I didn't get any surge off my last Gene Sears name drop. What if I say Union Pacific is getting a bad rap?

How bad is the election slog? My editor, again not Perry White, now online, looking for dates.

Does anyone know if Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are still together. That inappopriate pic scandal really rocked their untarnished love.

Is Brighton ready for another big snowstorm? Get that plan dusted off, it's going to be 70 tomorrow.

It is daybreak in Iraq and we still don't have any definite result in the Brighton stadium issue. Another bleak day for the Iraquians indeed.

I keep humming "Who killed Tangerine" by Tears for Fears. That's a catchy little tune!

I got a hit surge early when I mentioned Gene Sears – champion of the people! So we'll do it again! Yea, watch the people come. Next, I'm going to name drop Dick Hartmann.

9:15 p.m. Hollywood Writer's Strike still on!

Do you think Brighton missed the boat by not having John Hicklenhooper appear in their campaign ads. Midas touch, baby, the Midas touch. I'm going to have him campaign for my next raise.

I'm literally out of things to say as another election result-less night wears on. So I'll announce that (S)Miley Cyrus is total BFF's with Ashley Tisdale.

A moment from the levity or, in Dave Copperfield's case, levitation, to give a hand to everyone who ran for local political office this year. We're all so busy, it seems. The fact that some take the time to give back deserves praise. Now, on with the countdown.

A reprieve, that outage isn't until 10 p.m. – I ramble on!

This just in, the Colorado Rockies have raised ticket prices. Changing your mind about that stadium yet and $1 beer nights?

No kidding, a headline on the, "Denver poised to make marijuana a low priority." For its supporters, it remains a "High Priority."

We're grooving to "The Headliners" right now. Good stuff. "Since you left baby, there hasn't been a cloud in the sky." An ode to how we all live our lives trapped in the eye of the storm.

I thought with all the letters received, Tom Janich had a chance among the angry over-taxed. But it's not looking good for him. Coming up on the 9 p.m. outage, hope I'll catch you on the other side. If not, good night and good luck.

New results from AdCo. Much of the same – 2A (stadium losing) 2B (holy roads) winning. Still a slim margin of votes but I'd be surprised if this doesn't stand up when the stadium is in such a hole.

The Greeley Trib is reporting that Rudy Giulliani will visit their quaint little town. Rudy cruising up 85 through Fort Lupton to Greeley – just as we all have done. Phat.

This comment is left blank in honor of the Hollywood Writer's Strike but big props for the most creative picket signs!

You should have just seen my blog visitors just plummet with the Al Roker comment. Just kidding. He's infertile.

Update: Al Roker – still struggling to conceive!

Congrats to Today Show food correspondent Giada De Laurentiis, plump and pregnant. Yes, it's come to this, I'm actually congratulating the Everyday Italian lady. Abodanza!

Where are the results? Where are the results? BTW, still don't have my Rockies playoff tix!

Apparently, much of the Chatfield High School football team has been struck with some mystery illness just as a playoff game with Mullen nears. Damn that Dave Logan, always look for an edge. It's called mono, kids, stop smooching those cheerleaders!

No new results, I fear we are headed for a very long night. In other news, magician David Copperfield believes he is the victim of extortion. Can't he just make that person disappear?

Does anyone have Garth Brooks' new album yet? Is he going by a different name or is he actually Garth Brooks this time. R.I.P Chris Gaines.

We are ready to declare Anthony's Pizza as best pizza in Brighton. Close second: The Great Wall – Chinese Restaurant.

8:30 p.m. and we are ready to project Barack Obama as the next President of the United States. The Rack, the rack, the rack is on fire. We don't need no water, let the Obama burn! That's a rap song with different words for our older readers (Hi, Grandma, go to bed).

Has anyone heard how the surgery for the girl with eight limbs went? That's frightening stuff. Hello to my wife who is following along the blog, she's reading this instead of a Beverly Hills 90210 rerun!

We are now considering a spirited game of Strip Poker. I already volunteered to be the thimble – wait, different game!

This is the tough part of Election Night – no results. Daryl Meyers desperately wondering if he will sweep to a victory in his unopposed race. I wish I could help. All I can really tell you is that Miley Cyrus' mom wasn't always wild about her horseback riding.

NEWS FLASH: The state patrol is looking for a man who lied to them, then walked out of a hospital in Steamboat Springs in his nightgown. He was wearing nightgown? What possibly could he have been lying about? The thong underneath?

The pizza has arrived so tonight is pretty much a success and I'm tempted to stop blogging. But, I will persevere as we await further results.

My editor is pacing through the newsroom. Election apprehension? No, listening for the pizza man banging on the front door. Perry White he is not!

Just past 8 p.m. and no new batch of results and also no 9News reports of voters trapped in long lines. However, six Grandview High School students did fall through a stage trap door so, obviously, the voting system still needs work.

I'd like to welcome my blog visitors from Phoenix, Arizona and ask, "This can't possibly be interesting to you?"

I just fielded a call from my 2-year-old daughter who expressed some surprise that Val Espinosa-Martinez is losing to Rob Farina and Brighton voters are embracing the pothole tax. Then she barfed.

The Nuggets appear headed to a loss. Go ahead and pack that season up.

Many of you might be surprised to learn that Miley Cyrus' name is actually Destiny Hope Cyrus. But her cheerful disposition caused Billy Ray to nickname her Smiley. The M was later dropped so she would have a killer stage name. I'm considering dropping the K from my name. The pizza is officially AWOL and the police have been called. We think it was delivered to city of Brighton campaign headquarters.

How long before the at-large description is deemed politically incorrect? Big candidates should not be singled out.

I'm also currently winning the Thornton Mayoral race and am fielding concession calls including one for two hot dogs and a beer.

And Tom Janich's Weld County lead has paled as he falls behind to Terry Moore early. Knicks by two with two minutes left. Go Nugs!

Early returns have the Brighton stadium losing 65 percent to 35 percent. And 2B, the pothole debt, is winning. Way too early to read into anything. But clearly, people hate potholes and are disenchanted by the Rockie's World Series debacle.

We're getting our first AdCo results and it appears I will retain my position as Sheriff. Take that, Bob Marley.

It was just pointed out Tom Janich has been winning for over an hour. Call this thing ... quick!

Allow me to play Gene Sears for a moment and ponder how the city council election will play out in Fort Lupton tonight. Obviously, people vote with the issues on their mind. We saw that with Commerce City and NASCAR. Fort Lupton folks are probably looking for leaders to take a rigid stance on the Union Pacific issue. I think Shannon Crespin coasts as mayor tonight but I am high on a Mountain Dew energy drink. I think David Norcross is also headed back to the council. Pizza? M.I.A. However, preparations are being made for its arrival. Spread those napkins, boys.

Does anybody know where the city is partying tonight? I hope it's not Taco Bell like last year. It was really crowded.

Also a moment of silence for Allen Messick and Steve Smith – manning our election results. God be with them. Still no pizza, hunger starting to cause delirium.

Not to say, results are flagging but can we pause for a moment of silence to remember the patriarch of the Osmond family? I'm with you in spirit, Marie.

The Nuggets are locked up in a nail-biter with the Knicks, 98-96 in the fourth quarter. And, just so you know, the fight will come at the conclusion of tonight's game so you haven't missed it.

Just so you know, this blog will go down at 9 p.m. for a scheduled outage. I know, the timing is awful, I'll do my best to leave you with some cliffhanger ala. Col. Mustard has emerged from the study.

Those early Tom Janich numbers were courtesy of Weld County. Nothing on the Adams County Web site yet, they like to keep us in suspense. And for those of you who don't know, Miley Cyrus is the daughter of Achy-Breaky phenom Billy Ray Cyrus.

We're half-past 7 p.m. and, as I've come to expect, results are slowly trudging in like workers to the steel mill. Provided the Weld County and Adams County clerk Web sites don't suffer malicious attacks, (Go Rockies) things should pick up soon. We have solved the pizza problem which I thing bodes well for the evening.

You might be surprised to know that Miley Cyrus a.k.a. Hannah Montana also found a way to shine in school activities including cheerleading and dancing!

Tonight's first election controversy comes from within election coverage land where we can't decide not only on what kind of pizza we will get or who will order it. This type of indecision can shape the political landscape.

Welcome to my live election blog. First off, with at least 10 votes in, Tom Janich is beating Terry Moore in the Brighton City Council race. We're going to project just this once that Tom Janich will win that race! Has that ever happened. I'll be here till 10 p.m. tonight or until construction starts on Brighton's new baseball stadium. If the results start to lull, I also have a Triple Threat Teen Magazine so stick around to find out Hannah Montana's fav ice cream!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Roger Ebert would be proud

Took my daughter to her first movie Saturday, compliments of some generously provided movie tickets, and we saw the animated "Bee Movie." I thought it was a heart-warming, tale with plenty of eye-candy for the kids and subtle adult humor for the grown-ups. I actually recommend it for a fun afternoon at the movies. I must be a sucker. Because, while my daughter enjoyed the trailers for new movies as well as the Dreamworks Studio logo at the beginning, her reaction to the movie was tepid at best and, about 35 minutes into the movie, she barfed,barfed, barfed. Yes, you might say her reaction was a little immature compared to most movie critics and maybe even a little more messy. But, given the verbosity of today's critics, I found her review of the movie to be straight to the point. And while I was left cleaning vomit off my shoes, I respected her opinion and really wish we could see such candor from more critics albeit with me at a safe distance. So take it from a 2-year-old, Bee Movie is not worth the nausea. Take that, Ebert!