Sunday, March 15, 2009

The New No Means Know

Posts have been few and far between lately. Sorry to my loyal followers. So, today, is the beginning of a new No Means Know. You'll notice it's less glitzy. Thanks to my wife for the awesome blog designs she has always given me. But, maybe this bare bones format, will appeal more to the direction I want to take my blog. As a newspaper editor, I find about 90 percent of my work day devoted to media issues from day to day decisions to the future of our paper and this whole business. Some of these issues are mundane, some are fascinating. The face of the newspaper industry is changing (Bye, Rocky), I'd love to get your thoughts on that. And, while this blog has been almost exclusively devoted to harmless fun over the past couple years, I'm hoping we can still share some yucks but advance the discussion about media, life, a lot of different things. If I find some time to touch on my life as a journalist, I look forward to that too. I'm hoping it means more posts for you to read, I'm hoping it means for comments for me to read. I look forward to this new journey.