Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Will it work?

Journalism is in the blood so it's not surprising that former Rocky staffers didn't announce yesterday they are starting a chain of sandwich shops. Instead, they have formed an paid, online news site - indenvertimes.com and have begin a subscription drive. This is going to be interesting to watch. There was a great deal of sentimentality and good wishes when the Rocky ended last month. But it's kind of like when your skeezy uncle dies. You say a lot of nice things at the funeral but you never expect he'll come back from the dead. While it may carry on the journalistic integrity of the Rocky, this will be something different. Not only will it be online, it will require a fee for subscribers. It will kind of be like that other blonde chick who replaced Farrah Fawcett on Charlie's Angels. I'm not sure loyal Rocky subscribers who have no use for the Internet (like my Dad) will see the value. Plus, newspaper war back on! The Post was as gracious as they could be in kicking the Rocky to the curb but now they must turn their attention to crushing this journalistic insurgency. If it does work, it could revolutionize the newspaper industry. If it doesn't work, Rocky staffers have simply delayed the inevitably of finding another job (Welcome to Wal-Mart) and can spend at least a few more months doing what they love. Either way, watch and see.