Monday, December 31, 2007

Here's to 2007

Ah, the blog ideas have come slim lately, obvious from my sporadic posting but it just wouldn't be right to let 2008 dawn without some blog resolutions.
I vow to take on more serious issues in my blog. First up? The economic impact of Leprino Foods bringing their mozzarella plant to Greeley. So much for that awful Greeley stank.
I vow to be more supportive of city of Brighton ideas. A giant bouncy castle at the north end of Main Street? Count me in.
I vow not to question the sincerity of office sympathy cards anymore. Yikes, I didn't know you cared!
I vow not to post any more pictures of people barfing. Sorry that grossed you out, honey.
I vow to make my blog more Mom-friendly. Look for my November shout-out to holiday food and gift festivals.
I vow to make my blog more fire-chief friendly. We're going to start a fire photo of the week section. Even if it means photographing my burning toaster streudel.
I vow to learn how to spell streudel.
I vow to make my blog more boss friendly. No nudie pictures, kids.
I vow to seek out all the videos of laughing German midgets I can find.
I vow to write 100 times on the blackboard that I won't use Camden Farmer's name again.
I will offer more conspiracy theories of Dora the Explorer.
I will post a picture of MacGyver every week along with the proper sequence for building a spaceship out of a diaper box.