Thursday, December 20, 2007

This is a sham

It's a rare double blog day if only to spit some venom at the city of Greeley. I begrudgingly paid my parking ticket yesterday (earned while I covered a trial up there earlier this month). I overstayed my welcome in a two-hour parking spot. Court proceedings are notoriously slow. I don't know how many minutes have ticked off my life clock in the past year waiting for a court hearing to start. Sometimes, a judge will call a 15-minute recess just to sneeze. And courts also work on different time schedules. For an instance, a 15-minute recess is actually a 30-minute recess and a court hearing scheduled to start at 2 p.m., actually starts at 2:45 p.m. So what evil minion in Greeley decided to stick it to people by putting time parking outside the courthouse? Asinine, completely asinine! If the city of Greeley is that hard up for money, call the Monforts and get a loan!