Tuesday, February 5, 2008

40 Fast-Foodless days

Ah, the season of Lent – a chance to give up some bad behavior or perhaps an indulgence or a chance to reconnect with those New Year's Resolutions. It got us talking in the office yesterday about what we would possibly give up. I mentioned fast food – this immediately brought speculation from co-workers that I would find some loophole like purposely waiting an hour to eat my Taco Bell. But I think it's a good idea, so I'm going to try and give up fast food for the next 40 days. Fast food being defined as any place that offers combo meals or has a drive thru. I'm going to go down in a blaze of glory today with some Taco Bell and then see how I do. It sounds easy but I'm guessing this will be harder than I think. I'll keep you posted.