Monday, February 4, 2008

Winners suck

Still grumpy from last night's Super Bowl where my adopted Patriots took a big bite out of history and choked. I attended what I believed was a general Super Bowl party. Only at the end when the NEW YORK cheesecake was served did I realize I had been duped into attending an "I love Eli Manning extravaganza" (thanks Kristi and Zac). But my question this morning is why do we hate winners so bad? It seems no one, outside of Boston and I, was actually rooting for the Patriots to obtain perfection. My future brother-in-law contended we still watched history last night, my contention: yeah, right, history stomped all over and put in a burning trash can. But we can't stand the Patriots, we loathe rich people, we love the janitor who wins the Lottery until he gets that first check and moves to Tahiti. Why must everyone with more than us be hated? Thoughts?