Thursday, February 21, 2008

Simple solution

Seems like there's been a recent spike in folks driving around pretending to be police officers again. It seems to come and go. But I think the thought of folks being taken advantage of or possibly harmed by these phonies is persistent. I'm not one to want to take away any needed tools from police officers, I think media and public scrutiny limits them enough. But I can't help but thinking suspending the use of unmarked patrol cars for traffic enforcement would solve this problem real quick. Then you don't have to worry if the individual pulling you over is a genuine police officer or not. I know the police department will turn this right around and put the onus back on you to request to see the officer's badge and, if uncomfortable, to drive to a public place to continue your side of the road encounter. But, really, wouldn't pulling the marked cars put the cuffs on these cooks?