Monday, December 29, 2008

It's the people, stupid

My job affords me opportunities that most people don't get. Some are perks - not as many as you think – Brighton doesn't perk-colate like you might think. I did get a yellow and black Western Union backpack a few years ago that I swear I'm going to remember to take home.
More importantly, I get the chance to meet interesting people. With my move into a management position, I fear those chances are going to dwindle, which only make me savor those chances more.
This morning, I got to talk with Isidor Dominguez. You might have seen her house on the front of the Dec. 24 Brighton Blade in a ball of flames. She doesn't want your pity or self-pity either, insisting there are people worse off than her. That's hard to believe when your house burns down five days before Christmas. She says she is heartened by the generosity of the people of Brighton who have stepped up and helped and especially the unidentified man who stopped and pulled her away from the burning house. I'm always amazed by people's strength in the face of such adversity. I wish her well.