Tuesday, December 9, 2008

No, Brokaw, no

I touch on this briefly in my column this week but Tom Brokaw suggested to Barack Obama during an interview on "Meet the Depressed" that since gas prices have now gone back down, we should put a tax on gas, bring it back up to around $4 and use the excess revenue to pay for alternative energy research.
Obama wisely pointed out that gas prices aren't the only problem facing American families - ie: layoffs, hour cutbacks and foreclosures.
There is a main flaw with Brokaw's argument, other than I now think he is a complete maniac. So, we shoot back up the price of gas again with this tax? What happens in summer when the oil companies bump up their prices again (as they coincidentally always do during the summer travel season. We could logically be paying $8, $9, $10 for a gallon of gas.
Please, Mr. Obama, don't put Brokaw in the energy cabinet.

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