Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Barking up the wrong tree

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the legendary purveyor of detergent prices, Bob Barker, will sign off from the beloved Price is Right tommorrow in an, hour-long, star-studded (doubtful) finale. I couldn't help but ponder how history will judge Mr. Barker. Clearly, his decision to invade Iraq under the assumption that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons has already prompted criticism ... oh wait, wrong historical perspective. But, in that case, how would have the war on terror been conducted differently with Bob in charge? Dare we say, Osama bin Laden could have been nabbed as Barker bellowed to the rugged Afghani (not a blanket) mountains with a "Come on down." Might have our military placed a greater emphasis on making sure our terrorists were spayed or neutered? We'll never know. The individuals in the photo above clearly looked thrilled that they guessed the right price on those rocket launchers?