Thursday, May 17, 2007

Try this one

So I'm battling some kind of illness – honestly, it might be a cold but I'm leaning toward the plague so if you see me lying dead under a tree, please call CDE but don't try to handle me on your own. In the midst of my illness last night, my wife called on me to try and rescue my daughter's toothbrush from the sink drain. First off, I'm not trained in swift-water rescue so I was already a little out of my area. Eventually, we settled on a tactic of lifting the toothbrush from the hole with the help of two barbecue grill skewers. It is was almost MacGvyer worthy – how we used our ingenuity to save the toothbrush. Next, I'll be a building a car out of toothpicks, legos and an old lawnmower engine. Alas, the toothbrush, while rescued, could not be saved. We should have sent a canary down their first. It was given proper burial at the trash can by the sea.