Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Book Nook

As you'll read in tomorrow's Blade, there seems to be some hang-up on the talks to relocate the Brighton library to downtown Brighton. I won't spill all the details here, you've got to read the story, but essentially developers and city leaders really want the library to leave it's Eighth Avenue home and play a big part in the downtown redevelopment. I'm not going to lie to you – I like libraries and I really like the idea of the Brighton library coming downtown. Something about it seems so academic! But, as you'll read, Rangeview Library District has some reservations. While developers and city leaders were hesistant to wade into those waters with me, Rangeview board member Dot Lindsey was a little more open – citing the possibility that to relocate downtown, the library would have to share space to still make the land they would be on profitable. Of course, there are always two sides to every story but, from that perspective, I understand her concern. Why give up your own spot to share a building with somebody else. While city officials were quick to brush this off as a minor issue – Dot said they have essentially closed the book, so to speak, on downtown plans and are moving ahead with renovation plans for the exisiting site. That would be a real shame. I hope if the city is serious about wanting the library downtown, they'll go the extra-mile to make it worth their while. Give the story a read and then come back here, and let me know what you think.