Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Go home, Nancy Grace

Last night was a tough night for Nancy Grace of CNN fame. For what had to be the 10th night in a row, she was reliving the tragic murder of a pregnant Ohio woman. At one point, I actually thought she was going to break down as they discussed how the woman's 2-year-old son had been left alone with a soiled diaper. Not break down because emotionally it was just too much, break down from exhaustion because its just so hard to feign that much sympathy. Nancy Grace is a fraud if I've ever saw one. I don't think she could cook up enough crocodile tears to even fill a bucket. I get nauseous when she acts outraged or devastated – she lines her bed sheets with other people's tales of woe and misfortunate. Nancy Grace is all that's wrong with TV. She could possibly be all that's wrong with America. Oh, by the way, Nancy, they've haven't found Natalee Holloway either!