Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Take that, Comcast

Today is a blessed day in my household. Today, we escape the evil clutches of Comcast and are warmly embraced by the soft, gentle hands of another. Today is the day we get satellite TV. Tell you the truth, I didn't even see this coming up until late last week when Comcast decided it was time to put the scroogie to us. They started taking away channels under the guise of not being able to offer them anymore because they were digital. They were not major channels, CSPAN -2 and TV Guide Channel. But, hey, it's our $50 bucks. It was a ploy, a cunning ploy, much like the Major League Baseball umpires who went on strike a few years back. But, just like many of those umpires, Comcast got fired. Faced with the choice of digital cable or changing services and, after weighing prices, we decided to make the switch. But don't cry for Comcast, cheer for me. I get the NFL Network and 249 other channels. Yea! Now the challenge, finding other things to do, like go outside and play with the baby so we're not glued to the TV. Oh, the bitter irony!