Monday, March 12, 2007

Is there an impersonator in the house?

NEWS FLASH: Douglas County Sheriff's deputies are looking for an impersonator. Oh, but not just any impersonator. This gentleman popped up last Wednesday – pretending to be a Comcast employee. My first thought – was he trying to cover up that he was late? There are impersonators galore out in this world – perhaps the most scary are the kooks pretending to be cops. It's the first I've heard of Comcast impersonations which brings to mind a lot of other professions that aren't being impersonated. Anybody out there pretending to be a garbage man? I have to think impersonators (Elvis excluded) are an outgrowth of reality TV life – maybe people just looking for an escape – to step out of their ordinary lives. You know what else you don't hear much about people impersonating reporters – Too hard, too easy? Discuss.