Monday, March 5, 2007


Happy Monday all, I know an oxymoron but just run with it. Mondays and Tuesdays are crazy for me as I help layout two of our papers. Consider privileged that I even have time to shoot off this little note. And if you ever call on one of these days and have the sneaking suspicion that I'm listening to you but not really listening ... well, just know that somewhere your information is being stored and will be retrieved when necessary. I'll try to use Monday as a chance to preview what will be in the coming week's paper so you know what to look for. But not too much info – just a teasing TV news lead-in where they lead you to believe toasters may be taking over people's homes and leading an industrial revolt only to find out that you shouldn't try and stick a whole loaf of bread into your toaster. Duh! Brighton's grappling with a massive graffiti outbreak over the past couple months but police are making some good progress and the fire department board is struggling to make the best use of their mill levy money especially in terms of buying new fire trucks. And we'll have some more info on that explosion at an auto shop over the weekend.