Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Money talks so citizens have to hollar

I, as I'm sure many of you, have been following the ongoing NASCAR debate in Commerce City. It's hard to ignore hundreds of people trying to crowd into one room and tell City Councilors what they think. But one thought tossed around is what is the fuss right now – a proposal on a track hasn't even been made yet. I'll tell you what the fuss is. And don't bring me down on one side or the other of this, I don't want a race track in my backyard but I've sat through too many a public meeting to hear one more cry of "My property values are going to .... yada, yada, yada." I honestly believe if somebody walks by your house and sneezes, you just lost a grand – different soapbox, different day.
If residents don't raise a stink now about this now – they don't have a prayer. If they wait until an agreement is on the table they might as well be trying to talk Britney back into rehab – ain't gonna happen. Yes, city goverment is for the people, by the people (Bartender, another round of Yada's) but cities see $ signs. They see a giant race track bringing lots of people to town and lots of moolah! They don't see the giant diesel fumes wafting over Reunion's Big Red Barn – that's the job of the residents. So criticize the anti-NASCAR people all you want, as being premature and over eager to shoot this proposal down. But, for these folks, its speak now or forever hear the roar of engines.