Tuesday, March 27, 2007

R.I.P. from the headlines

May I be so pretentious as to say "our long national nightmare is over." After weeks of speculation, we now know how Anna Nicole Smith died. Everybody who had accidental drug overdose in the office pool meet me by the water cooler later to divy up. For those who went with Bush administration/Martian conspiracy – tough break. My first inclination is that someone should really have talked to this family about the dangers of Methadone. Buy, I'm not going to harp on that. I know I'm on borrowed time, you all lost interest in Anna Nicole about 10 years ago. I tend to laugh at the thought of an accidental overdose – it seems to be as likely as accidentally throwing a TV from the third floor window of a college dorm or accidentally getting married. And I can't say I'm not relieved that we have come to a conclusion. A lot of good celebrity news has fallen by the wayside while we dealt with this issue. I bet you totally missed that bald Britney got out of rehab or Angelina Jolie adopted a Tibetan Springer Monkey. I'm kidding about the last one – that's next week, you didn't miss it.