Monday, August 20, 2007

Does somebody need a card?

There are two things I dread at work. One is the possibility that one of my beloved co-workers or an FOP (friend of paper) would have some bad luck or illness fall on them. The second is that we will need to commemorate their rough patch with a card. Such was one of those times this morning when we learned an FOP had recently gotten some bad news from the doctor. Bummer right. Within an hour, a card already laced with names and messages of sympathy was on my desk waiting for me to add a John Hancock and a little sad face next to it. Hang on, before you label me cold and heartless if you haven't already – but I hate signing cards like that. I'll offer this gripe because I know this particular FOP might share some of my cynicism. Yes, I feel bad but what can I possibly say in a card to make things better. Nothing. So, if 50 of us sign it, will that make it better no. So, why are we circulating a card? Call me a cynic, but I just don't see it making a big diff. If, I'm wrong, offer your testimony to the power of cards and why they helped you in a dark time. I need to know!