Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Moths to a flame

You wanna know a bad combination. A neighborhood without power and a really bad car wreck. The lights turned off in our Thornton neighborhood shortly after 6 p.m. last night and, shortly after that, a couple of cars, one unable to comprehend a self-imposed four-way stop – crashed into each other at a nearby intersection. Take a whole neighborhood void of electricity and TV and you know the rest. Folks poured out of their homes. It kind of reminded me of a Zombie movie. They were eager to watch a rather gruesome live theater production of firefighters extricating someone from a car. High marks for the production value – the set pieces were vivid and the landing helicopter was incredible. The performances were hollow – some of the firefighters and paramedics seemed to "sleep" their way through their roles like they had seen this kind of thing a hundred times. I jest but I was rather amazed to see practically the whole 'hood gathered on the street corner. Some cried, some watched stoically and then, somebody noticed the street lights were back on and everybody ran back to their houses to watch the rest of the Bronco game. It made me think that people have lost all touch with reality – unable to differentiate a TV episode from a life and death struggle unfolding right before you. HYPOCRITE ALERT — I was there too so I can't cling to some higher moral standing even though I mainly just wanted to see the helicopter land. As long as we're entertained, that's all that matters. TV don't work, heck, let's go outside and watch a crash. Can't help but think this is what makes NASCAR so popular. I hope the injured person is OK, sorry we saw fit to turn the worst day of your life into a suitable TV alternative.