Thursday, August 16, 2007


Before my daily gripe, I'll let you know I'm already more than a little suspicious that I have three amputee blog readers. But, hey who cares, I offer you a hearty thumbs up. So here's the scuttle. Last week when I got home my local trash service had left a nasty note on one of my containers – listing its many offenses. "Too close to the other container," "Facing the wrong direction," "Smelly," and "Used a derogatory term in regards to the trash truck driver's nationality." It came with a warning that I would need to fix these things. There was no ultimatum like them putting the containers on my roof. I was still perturbed. Especially since every Thursday, I can't pull into my driveway because one of my containers, haphazardly dropped, is blocking my path. But my main question is this. If you can fill out a list of grievances, get out of your now automated truck (big arms to big up trash can) and attach it to my trash can, then why can't you just put the trash cans where they need to be for your enjoyment and leave me alone? Thank you.