Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tag, you're idiots!

Now, that we've effectively wiped dodgeball out of our schools, (The Columbine shooters were apparently traumatized by dodgeball) now comes word that Tag is being taken out as playtime activity in schools across the country including Colorado Springs. School officials cite the emotional and physical toll being taken on students who feel they are being "singled out" in Tag. Hello, it's Tag! Do you know how effective it is when no one chases each other? Zippo! Zilch. These kind of things just baffle me. School districts pay a lot of lip service to overweight kids and the need for more physical activity, then they pull crap like this. "No, no, no, kids, no Tag. Let's go inside and play virtual tag on the computer where nobody's feelings get hurt and have some potato chips, too." The only thing school district's haven't banned, besides recess all together, is anybody being picked last for a team but I'm sure they're working on it.
BTW, the kid in the picture above is never going to catch that girl the way he is running so he shouldn't be allowed to play Tag anyway. And, if that's the best he can do when it comes to tracking down women, then he should look forward to a life of being single and playing Dungeons and Dragons.
10:25 a.m.
I do like his blue pants though, those are stylish!
10:28 a.m.
And it does appear the said girl is on the verge of a nervous breakdown even at the thought of being chased, albeit by a child with no reasonable chance to catch her. I hope she can find a good therapist.
10:33 a.m.
She could use the therapy just as well to come to terms with that Medusa-type hair – I mean do parents not care anymore.
10:35 a.m.
These kids look like poster children for the "How not to dress your children" warehouse.
10:37 a.m.
I'm gathering that this was a reasonable game of Tag but, at this moment in the photo, the boy has spotted the ice cream truck and the girl has not yet realized it.
10:40 a.m.
I mean he's not even looking in her direction. This boy, we'll call him Francis, is the reason Tag is being banned. School officials just don't want to see kids playing this poorly anymore. In my day, we knew how to play Tag. Hell, sometimes we even tagged the neighbors, that was good times.
10:42 a.m.
Does Francis have some cheap rip-off bowl cut? Because that's just about the worst haircut I've ever seen. I bet his mom cut his hair and she was drunk.
10:45 a.m.
Here's an artist rendition of what Francis may look like now since this picture is clearly from the early 80s.

10:46 a.m.
Ummmm, we just got a call from Francis and he wants us to stop making fun of him. He wants his hair back too!