Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Where have you gone, Arby's?

No need for alarm, you can still find Arby's at the southwest corner of Bromley and U.S. Highway 85 in Brighton or in your own neighborhood. What you won't find there is roast beef. That's because, over the past few years, Arby's has steadily changed its menu from a salivating line of roast beef sandwiches (Remember the Big Montana? That would have stopped Dick Cheney's heart if he even sniffed it) to a kinder gentle line of fresh sandwiches, salads and I'm guessing they've got a bucket full of sprouts somewhere in there too. They will make the argument that this is in keeping up with the times – challenging Subway, Quizno's and Uncle Charlie's Artery Clogging Factory (currently franchising in Alabama). This is deeper though, it is a deep running prejudice against overweight people. It is the same reason why trans fat is being selfishly being sucked out our chips, burgers and yogurt. I'm guessing the curly fries will be next – probably replaced by broccoli sticks. I will not stand for this travesty. I hereby announce that I'm boycotting Arby's until they bring back the beef.
BTW, pick the song voting is back in the upper right corner. And, for my older viewers (Hey, Steve and Grandma), "Thanks for the Memories" is a new tune so don't be expecting Bob Hope to be crooning away if you overwhelmingly pick that one.