Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Exclusive Deathly Hallows tidbits

OK, I shouldn't even be doing this, as both an ethical journalist and an avid reader, but I've managed to come across an excerpt from the new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel – the conclusion to the Harry Potter saga. I warn you not to go forward if you don't want anything spoiled. I will also warn you as this series has gone along, it has become darker and I think really veered away from its kid audience. Read fast, before this is taken down.
Harry brushed his palm against her exposed thigh. Hermione stiffened. She picked up her cup and swallowed arduoulsy, trying to ignore the lusty sensations holding her hostage. He pressed his lips against her ear, sending a thrilling shiver along the back of her neck.
Well, that certainly didn't help.
Hermione released a small, strangled cough and cleared her throat. Then she held her breath and counted to ten, remembering that counting to ten was supposed to be good for something.
Harry reached for a piece of flatbread. He scooped a small amount of a dark orange topping from a bowl and dabbed it on top.
Hermione reached for it but he stopped her hand and brought the bread to her mouth instead.
"Open your mouth."
"And say ah?" she jested, but as soon as the word ah left her lips, he popped the bread into her mouth. She closed her mouth with a small chortle. It tasted like peaches.
It was good.
Harry watched the even line of her jaw work as she chewed, and the sensual motion of her throat as she swallowed. Her tongue dabbed at the corner of her mouth to retrieve a stray drop of jam. His hand came up to reach behind her head, and he bent toward her.
This time she did not turn away. Hermione's belly tensed as she anticipated a kiss, but Harry dragged his tongue across the crease of her mouth, withdrew, and savored the flavor of jam and her lips with his own tongue. Hermione gasped at his intimate boldness. He smirked at the shocked look on her face.
"What?" he mocked. "Did you think I was going to kiss you?"
She was fun to tease.
Hermione's mouth fell open. She couldn't tell him that it was exactly what she thought, but before she could snap it shut he drew her mouth to his, and tasted her from the inside out.
She should have pulled back, but her tongue reacted like a hungry vulture and she plunged the depths of his mouth instead.
He responded by devouring her, exploring her with his own tongue until she sighed into his mouth and her body melted into his. Harry relished the feel of her against him as she surrendered to his seductive siege.
He ran a hand along her side and slipped it into the opening of her gown. His lips moved to kiss and suckle her neck, her shoulder, and then trail back to her mouth. His craving for her became so intense he had to fight the impulse to rip open her robe and take her right there on the bench...

I'll spare you of the part where Dobby the House Dwarf accidentally stumbles into the room.