Tuesday, July 3, 2007

In the rough

OK, honestly, I'm surprised I haven't heard this gripe more. But a letter writer in the Standard Blade this week questions why our farmers are starving and our golf courses are pristine. It's a legitimate question. No offense to the golf course folks, but while you're watering like crazy especially on the tee boxes (God spare the tee boxes from this cruel heat), local farmers are wringing the sweat out of their shirts just to water their crops. That's why they call it an organic crop! There's got to be a compromise. Luckily, there is. Farmers, pack up your tractors and migrant workers – we're headed to Buffalo Run. Obviously, they have plenty of water and are exempt from any type of water restrictions. We can share. And golfers, don't get bummed out, how awesome would it be to chip out of a cabbage patch (on the ninth hole). And if the migrant workers get their picking done early, who needs a caddy? This idea is so smart, there's no way it can't work!