Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Well, I'm not looking

I'm no feminist but this just seems wrong. A guy (it could have only been a guy) has created a lawn service in Memphis where young, nubile women cut your grass in , wait-for-it, bikinis. Now, I like a woman in a bikini as much as the next guy (Oh, hi honey, sure I'll sleep on the couch tonight – thanks for reading) but this seems so wrong. Not only are we having women do a job traditionally equated with men but we're making them do it in swimwear. This would be like some woman starting a business called "Dandy Dan does it all" where men scamper around in a thong – baking casseroles and vaccuming.
"We had a couple of customers sitting in lawn chairs drink beer just enjoying the bikini cut," said the owner of Tiger Time Lawn Service.
I hope they brought plenty of beer because their wife probably changed the locks.