Monday, July 23, 2007


What a traumatic weekend. First, can I get some mad props for the life of Tammy Fae Messner who died following a grueling interview with Larry King? Didn't he have Anna Nicole on his show too? The guy's the Grim Reaper.

As if that wasn't enough, then I found out Mindy McCready, formerly a country singer and a runner-up to Shania Twain in the "All come back now, ya here" category is in trouble with the law again. She was tussling with some sheriff's deputies down in Florida. I just want her to pull it together long enough to get back in the studio because the last few years of her life have grammy winning country album written all over them. I include a picture of her just to dote on old times, she looks like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings now. Share your favorite Mindy McCready moment below if you like. Mine was when my girlfriend, now wife, almost threw me out of the car for talking about how attractive she was. That was probably the end for Mindy, once guys like me start ogling you, there's only one way – down.

Got to see the new Harry Potter movie over the weekend, stil don't have the new book – don't spoil it for me, dorks! I was aghast when the theater made me remove my Dumbledore costume because of new security procedures. Don't worry, they were aghast when I wasn't wearing anything under it. My exclusive excerpt from the book didn't draw the hittage or FBI attention I wanted. I'll hand it to my blog readers "Dinkites" as I like to call them – you're smarter than you think. And, in case you missed it, my Fabio and the Deathly Hallows cover. Happy Monday, see you tomorrow.