Thursday, October 18, 2007

Of all the thoughtless, inconsiderate ...

Believe it or not, sometimes the blog ideas just don't come easily. Luckily, we've skimmed through this week on laughing German midgets and screaming toilets. It's election time around here – a season that brings out the best and the worst of people – which makes it a nice warm-up for the holiday shopping season. Of course, the key issue on the Brighton ballot this year is tax money for a baseball stadium and, since it involves "your hard-earned" money, – it has dissolved into an argument about whether this would be a proper use of taxpayer money. I've said it before in this blog and I'll say it again, if this town can say no to a high school while staring at pictures of children being educated in streets because there's no room in the classrooms than this stadium has no chance. I respect the anti-tax folk of this town – the people who would turn down a crippled children's home if it meant a dollar out of their pocket – way to stick to your morals. But this rabble year after year gets old. Same with the drivel starting now that the Rangeview Library District is pulling a bait and switch with its plans for a Brighton library in downtown. Yes, they told us they would add on to the existing library but if they see a better deal, why not go with that. As long as we still get a library and not a 1 percent share in a chain of Popeye's Chicken restaurants, what's the problem?