Tuesday, October 30, 2007


NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams is slated to host Saturday Night Live on, wait for it, Saturday night. My first thought is this is completely blurring the lines between news and entertainment. It would be like me being a reporter and then trying to maintain a humorous blog. I emphasize "trying." Since I have yet to be successful, I see no conflict. Don't get me wrong. I like Williams a lot – way more than that lousy, no-good, phony Chuck Gibson (Sorry, I lost a bet, on ABC or that slutty, manipulative tease Katie Couric (bad breakup) on the Eyeball network. But like any good time loving girl in the bar, thinking about taking that bloak in the corner home for a romp, I can't help but wonder, "Will I still respect him in the morning>" Will your spoof of Britney Spears' children being abducted by the ghost of Anna Nicole Birkhead-Stern-Leo-Fred-Jack-Smith still be funny on Monday when you're reporting on the crisis in the Middle East, provided we'll even have a newscast with him off, fishing for yucks. I think back to the respected anchors of the past – the patriarchs that inspired me to be in this business or at least comb my hair. I look down at the yellow band on my wrist and wonder, W.W.W.D. (What Would Walter Do?)